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Aspiring Storyteller


The Nick Name TallBeardedDoughboy came about as we were working on getting Marcy Jo's Bakery opened up in 2018. Mom had asked me to be a part of Marcy Jo's and run the bakery. The name popped in my head one day because I thought it was kind of ironic. I'm 6' 8", a rookie recovering alcoholic with a long scraggly beard, with absolutely no experience with baking! Yet I'm opening a bakery!

So the name just fit!!!


When we met, Olivia had just turned 3 and she couldn't pronounce Hannah. So she called her hanky! Now we all call her Hanky!

More on Hanky coming soon!

Along with telling stories with a camera I have found a passion for sharing stories through writing. Check out my blog.

A Little More On Mikel

           The kids at school called me lurch, bean pole, and jolly green giant. They made fun of my hand-me-down clothes that didn’t always fit, and my off-brand shoes from Goodwill. I didn’t really know the difference at the time, so it didn’t bother me. I moved schools so much I never really fit in, so I usually fit in with the kids that didn’t care. It didn’t take long for me to find I liked drugs and alcohol. With drugs and alcohol it didn’t matter what clothes I wore, what shoes I had on, or how tall I was… I always fit in.

I spent the next 20 years fitting in that way.

‘Til I didn’t anymore.

            I don’t remember a lot of my story over those years. Not much good anyway. I’ve been to rehab 3 times. I’ve been in and out of jails and hospitals. I’ve struggled with so many things that don’t even have to do with drugs or alcohol I’m not even sure where to start. All I know to do is share my story, and hope in some way someone can relate and be inspired, or at least encouraged that they too have hope.

I’ve been sober since September 26th, 2016. I was 34. I don’t really have a secret formula. I had to spend a lot of time figuring out who I was and realizing I couldn’t do it alone.

            The one thing I can truly say changed my life… I finally gave God a chance!

            I’m not here to throw the bible at you. I honestly didn’t really believe in anything for 34 years. So I promise I’m no preacher. But I am definitely not ashamed.

           I’ve been trying to learn how to live a better story, a story that I can be proud of and would like to share with anyone who will listen. A story that not only I can actually remember, but my family generations after me will remember.

More than anything I want to get others inspired to live a better story with me. I believe it has a huge impact on healing the things that are broken in us. It’s not about just holding the door for people, eating healthy, or sharing the gospel with everyone you meet. It’s about stepping outside the mundane of everyday life and living in a way that is memorable. “Whimsy” as Bob Goff would call it.

             I recently read a book my uncle gave me, by Donald Miller called “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” and it changed my life. He talks about looking and living life as if you were writing it for a movie script. You would want to have a great character with an awesome story if you wanted it to be memorable. Then all you have to do is figure out how to live it.

Don says, “If what we choose to do with our lives won’t make a story meaningful, it won’t make a life meaningful either.” I love that.

I see my story in so many ways now. It’s part of what inspired me to start sharing my life.

           So if you’re looking for a change, inspiration, encouragement, hope, or just a little entertainment, then don’t be afraid to join me in this story. I have no idea where it is going yet, or how I’m going to get there, but I’m going to do my best to make it a good story, a memorable story. 

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