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Writer's pictureMikel Hunt

Daily Devoted

So far this year I wake up every morning, thank God, and I write. I start by making my coffee because I can’t function without coffee first. I check my phone to make sure I haven’t gotten any important messages through the night….and see how the socials are doing for just a second while my eyes adjust to the light. And then I sit down and write. I like to start with a bible verse. Sometimes straight out of the bible, sometimes a devotional, or sometimes the verse dosen’t come till after I’m done writing and I look it up. I think about my day and what I need to get done, any meetings, things I’ve planned for the day and I think about what the day might look like and then I just start writing. I’ve heard it’s called brain vomit. I try to let whatever is on my mind or in my heart just flow out, without worrying about grammar, typos, or even if it makes sense. Sometimes it comes out as one idea and I’m able to run with it, other times it comes out as 5 ideas and I later pick one that sticks out and run with that one. I usually don’t have a lot of time to write in the morning so I do my best to get my thought out the best I can as fast as I can. Then I close my laptop, grab my camera and with what I’ve written fresh on my mind, I start my day.

Throughout the day I try to weave what I’ve written that morning into my story. Like faith hope and love, I try to keep it on my mind all day. Sometimes it comes out as a video like this one, other times it comes out as a vlog, sometimes I just share it as a Blog, and then there are times it dosen’t come out at all. I just keep it stored away for me and God.

I’ve always tried to be a person that wakes up every morning and spends time with God, but I always let life get in the way. I’ve bought tons of daily devotionals only to get a week or two in and quit reading them. I’ve tried listening to the bible every morning, I’ve tried to read the bible from start to finish. Heck, my wife and I even started getting up every morning at 5 a.m. and doing a Facebook Live as a way to hold ourselves accountable to spending time with God and share it with others as we do it. But this year I decided to let go and let God so to speak.

I love writing, I love making videos, I also love spending time with God, learning from him, feeling that inspiration deep down in your soul that only comes from the holy spirit. So funny enough, when I quit trying so hard to be Mr. Perfect Christian, I found myself doing all three things in a more meaningful way then I could have imagined.

Every morning I open my laptop to write, I hand God the pen, and I hit record.

A personal goal I set for myself this year was to share something creative every day. I would love to share a vlog everyday but it’s just not realistic for me right now. So, I figured every day I would share something. Something inspired by God, as a vlog, a blog, a scripture or even something as simple as a picture I have taken and edited.

My own Daily Devotional!!!

I’ll probably share these things to a few different sites but I’m thinking I will try to always post here. I use YouTube for my videos, WordPress for my blogs, Instagram for my photos, and Facebook mostly for my restaurants. I’ve even been Tik Tokinnnnn!!! But as you can tell I’ve been using the blog for all of these mostly.

Thank ya’ll so much for inspiring me every day.

Lamentations 3:22-23

King James Version

22 It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

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